Syteria band Make Some Noise as Reflection tour hits Chesterfield's Real Time Live

Syteria's Julia Calvo at Real Time Live, Chesterfield.Syteria's Julia Calvo at Real Time Live, Chesterfield.
Syteria's Julia Calvo at Real Time Live, Chesterfield.
Syteria have a growing reputation as a formidable live band and are currently on tour to support their recently released second album, Reflection.

This punk/rock/pop band have energetic, catchy songs full of attitude and anger with astute observations, often delivered with wit, as they showed at Real Time Live, Chesterfield.

Jackie (Jax) Chambers is the principal songwriter and can pen well-rounded, memorable tracks with very catchy choruses.These songs were delivered perfectly by Julia Calvo, a versatile singer whose personality really comes across as she delivers these songs. Rhythm guitarist Calvo’s commanding stage presence got the audience on side and eating out of her hands.Bassist Steph Dawson and drummer Pablo Calvo proved a powerful rhythm section.The four part Quatro-esque harmonies blended together nicely and effectively throughout. The song Get A Life was particularly notable, as the track ended the four voices came together in an acappella style which made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.A comical moment happened when Julia introduced the song Reflection too early in the set but the band went along with it anyway.Chambers was hampered with guitar problems throughout the gig but it didn’t seem to faze her at all.Set highlights for me were As If, Gossips, Back Off, I’m All Woman, Sheeple, New World Order and the call to arms that is Make Some Noise.Support came from fast rising local band Yesterday’s Gone who played a belter of a set.Both bands were on form on a great night.

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