Teenager chased by masked man while walking home from party

The boy had been walking near the Cumberland Pub, Beighton when he was chased by the masked man (Google)The boy had been walking near the Cumberland Pub, Beighton when he was chased by the masked man (Google)
The boy had been walking near the Cumberland Pub, Beighton when he was chased by the masked man (Google)
A teenager was chased by a masked man while walking home from a party on Saturday night.

The 15-year-old boy was walking near to the Cumberland Pub in Beighton at around 11:15pm on Saturday, March 9, when he saw a masked man dressed in black with his hood up.

Upon seeing the man the teenager began to run and the man, who was wearing a white mask, proceeded to chase after him.

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The frightened teen described being able to hear the man behind him splashing in puddles as he ran.

The masked man on the busThe masked man on the bus
The masked man on the bus

Luckily, the boy managed to out run him and phoned his parents to pick him up.

His mother, who wished to remain anonymous, said: “He was shaken as you would be. We drove round for a bit to see if we could see him but my son just wanted to go home.

“I just can’t understand why anyone would do this to deliberately go out scaring children. My thoughts are what if he caught him, what was he going to do to him? It's a sick world we live in today.”

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She shared the story on social media in hopes of warning others.

The incident is the latest in a string of sightings of a man wearing a white mask including one on a bus in which the man began talking to a 22-year-old woman while she was travelling on the 120 bus from Sheffield towards Crystal Peaks, near Eckington.

The woman said the masked man asked her a series of questions including what her surname was, if she was travelling alone and where she lived.

After questioning the young woman, the man then turned round and revealed he was wearing an anime mask, similar to one worn in the film ‘Spirited Away’.

She described the incident as ‘the creepiest bus journey of my life’ and warned girls to be careful when travelling on the bus alone.

It is not known whether the incidents are linked.