Matlock Bath man sent texts of ‘sexual nature’ to 15–year–old

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A young man has been given a 12 month community order after he breached a police notice banning him from meeting a 15–year–old girl.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard this month how Jordon Spencer, 19, of Dale Road, Matlock Bath, had made text messages to the girl of a sexual nature and they had met on a park bench.

Prosecuting solicitor Ian Shaw said: “Concerns were raised by the 15–year–old’s grandmother that this young girl was in a relationship with Spencer who is a 19–years–old.

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“One of the concerns was that this was a sexual relationship.

Police were shocked and a police notice was given and he was not allowed contact with this girl.

“But the couple was seen together and there had been text messages between them.

“The girl used her grandmother’s phone and some of the messages were of a sexual nature.”

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The defendant pleaded guilty to taking the 15–year–old without lawful authority after the incident on May 9.

Defence solicitor Steve Brint said the girl indicated no sexual activity has taken place and there was no evidence of any sexual activity.

Mr Brint said Spencer originally refused to meet the girl because of the notice, however when they did meet one another it was at a war memorial in a public place and she was not abducted.

He said: “He’s a young man of 19-years-old from a troubled background.”

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Mr Brint added: “They had not seen each other until this notice. There were communications between them but Mr Spencer had refused to attend because of the notice.

“However, having succumbed to meet, he did so. But he did not abduct her from her house. They met at the war memorial in broad daylight in a public place and spoke for 20 minutes. She went home to her grandma and he was seen and arrested.”

Magistrates sentenced Spencer to a 12 month community order with supervision and an alcohol activity requirement and a one month curfew.

The police order will also remain in place until the girl is 16–years–old.