Man who raped woman in gardens of Long Eaton library is jailed for 16 years

Jason SedgwickJason Sedgwick
Jason Sedgwick
A sick pervert who raped a woman in the grounds of Long Eaton Library has been jailed for 16 years.

Jason Sedgwick, 30, of Northcote Street, pleaded guilty to the horrific attack which took place in July last year, and was found guilty of sexual assaults on two other women.

Derby Crown Court heard that he loitered outside pubs and clubs waiting for vulnerable women to attack, knowing they had been drinking.

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Prosecuting, Grace Hale, told the court that on July 6 last year his 30-year-old victim had become separated from her friends after leaving Manhattans nightclub. Sedgwick began walking with her, asking her questions and lifting her up several times, despite her telling him to put her down.

He then led her into the library grounds where he carried out the attack. His victim, whose identity is protected by law, believed she was going to die as Sedgwick held his hand around her throat.

Sedgwick was arrested after a police officer identified him from a CCTV image. Footage showed that he had been loitering in Long Eaton town centre from 9pm that night.

It was following news reports of the attack that two other victims came forward. He claimed he could not recall the attacks, one of which saw him follow a woman into her home and grope her.

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Defending, Kath Goddard, said: “All too often the courts have defendants come in before them that say they have no memory of the offence. In 2008 he experienced periods of memory loss which was explored by a neurologist.

“When discussing the offence of rape he was truly appalled and ashamed that he could have done such a thing.”

She said he had been diagnosed with depression in June 2014: “Clearly he was looking for help and was self medicating with drink and drugs. He was seeking help but sadly it did not come quick enough for him. He knows he needs help. He is willing to face up to his problems and will do all he can to address them.”

Judge John Burgess told Sedgwick the psychological affects of his victim had been huge. He said: “I am in no doubt that you are a dangerous offender. One of the reports states the attacks were planned and predatory - I agree with that. You are a danger to women, particularly when you have had drugs and drink.”

He sentenced Sedgwick to 11 years in jail for the rape, fives years for one of the assault charges, and three years for the other, to run concurrently. He will spend a further six years on licence.