Landlord issues statement as Chesterfield gym remains closed

Princes Sports Club has many members in Chesterfield.Princes Sports Club has many members in Chesterfield.
Princes Sports Club has many members in Chesterfield.
Nearly a week after a Chesterfield gym closed, the building's landlord has issued a statement about the situation.

Princes Sports Club on Old Road, Brampton, shut unexpectedly last Thursday.

A 'forfeiture of tenancy' notice has been put up at the gym's premises.

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The notice states: "Under the conditions of the implied periodic tenancy of these premises held by the tenant, rent due has not been paid to the landlord.

"The premises have been recovered by the landlord."

The notice states that the landlord is Pudding Pie Catering (Wigley) Ltd and the tenant is Public Sector Consultants Ltd, which is owned by Stephen Prince.

In a statement issued to the Derbyshire Times on Tuesday, Craig Lynch, owner of Pudding Pie Catering (Wigley) Ltd, said: "I received a voicemail from Mr Prince, chief executive of Public Sector Consultants Ltd, yesterday afternoon requesting the details of the arrears owed in order that payment can be made.

"The details requested have been provided to him this morning.

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"Once payment is received we as landlords are willing to open discussions on the re-occupation of the property by Public Sector Consultants Ltd.

"Any re-occupation by Public Sector Consultants Ltd will have to involve safeguards and/or guarantees being put in place to ensure that the staff and members of the club are not put in this position again in the future.

"Having operated the club for over 10 years as Brampton Manor many of those affected are my former colleagues and loyal members I have known for a long time.

"It is in everyone's interest that a swift conclusion is brought to this matter.

"The ball is firmly in Mr Prince's court."

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Mr Prince said he could not respond to Mr Lynch's statement for legal reasons.

However, in a statement issued on Monday night, Mr Prince said: "Our club remains closed despite our best efforts to reopen.

"Some progress has been made, however, by our legal team and a meeting has been scheduled tomorrow with the owners of the site to ascertain their understanding of the situation.

"As stated in previous updates we are aware of how slow the process is taking.

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"Unfortunately the rate of progress is completely out of our hands.

"One thing I will emphasise is that the situation has arisen from no wrong doing on our part - only time will show that this is the case.

"Please be assured that my management team and I will continue to do our utmost to ensure a positive outcome for our sports club.

"Thank you again for standing with us at this stressful time.

"I hope to have more news in due course."

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