Gamekeepers fight against wildfires to prevent strain on emergency services

The unseasonably warm weather conditions are already resulting in daily wildfires.The unseasonably warm weather conditions are already resulting in daily wildfires.
The unseasonably warm weather conditions are already resulting in daily wildfires. | Other 3rd Party
Gamekeepers and moorland managers in Derbyshire are stepping up their efforts to help prevent wildfires putting extra strain on emergency services.

The unseasonably warm weather conditions are already resulting in daily wildfires, placing even greater pressure on fire and rescue services.

Following guidance from the UK government, national parks have closed their offices, ranger hubs and visitor facilities including car parks, and have asked staff to remain at home, unless undertaking essential safety tasks.

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While these actions are important for combatting the spread of the coronavirus it also means moorlands are vulnerable, particularly to the risk of wildfires.

Gamekeepers are at hand and are equipped and trained to fight in the front line against wildfires.

A few weeks ago, a major incident was avoided on the hills near Glossop thanks to the swift response of local gamekeepers.

The fire was observed by the local gamekeeper who called the local fire and rescue service who were on site within half an hour. However, the terrain made it impossible for firefighters to get their Argocat onto the site, leaving it up to the three gamekeepers, who succeeded in putting out the fire by midnight.

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Gamekeepers traditionally work in isolation and so are at minimal risk of spreading the virus, especially as members of the public have been requested to stay away.

Due to the current weather conditions, concerns over Covid -19 linked respiratory issues and the overstretched status of our emergency services fighting the virus, the Moorland Association has asked its members to put any planned controlled burning on hold.

Amanda Anderson, director of the Moorland Association, said: “Gamekeepers and moorland managers are ready to do their bit and step up during this time of national crisis. They are the eyes and the ears who will help spot and put out wildfires.

“It is important we still have boots on the ground, keeping a keen watch for wildfires and responding to any that break out. The work they do is of great benefit to the public by providing no-cost firefighting support, not only protecting local homeowners and residents but the nation as a whole.”

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