40s weekend at Crich Tramway Museum

Crich tramway museum 1940's event. Jacqui Jesson and Rita and Tony Marshall.Crich tramway museum 1940's event. Jacqui Jesson and Rita and Tony Marshall.
Crich tramway museum 1940's event. Jacqui Jesson and Rita and Tony Marshall.
Children discovered what life was like for wartime evacuees, went on spying missions and tested their stamina at boot camp as a tourist attraction turned back the clock.

Crich Tramway Museum was invaded by 2,000 visitors from all over the country who soaked up the sights and sounds of its 40s weekend.

Members of re-enactment groups rode around on military and civilian vehicles, D-Day veterans shared their stories and spivs tried to persuade people to buy black market goods such as bananas and knicker elastic.

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Wartime songs were aired by entertainers including the D-Day Darlings, Marina Mae and Kevin Mac while the sounds of the Forties were recreated by the Ashby Big Band.

Even the trams rolled back the years. One was covered in anti-blast netting and had its headlights painted black.

Laura Greaves, marketing exe cutive at the tramway village, said: “We had a good turnout of visitors on Saturday but there weren’t as many on Sunday which was not surprising given the weather.”