The terrifying moment a road rage driver changed two little girls' lives forever

A family has released this shocking dashcam footage of the moment a driver smashed his Land Rover into their car, leaving two young girls paralysed.

The legal representative for the family said the girls’ parents wanted people to see the reckless driving that had “devastating consequences for our two beautiful daughters” as a warning to others.

The incident happened near Wellingborough and was reported by our sister title the Northampton Chronicle.

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We are sharing the family’s plea as they want everyone to see the lasting damage a moment of bad driving can have.

Katrina and Karlina Raiba were left paralysed after the road rage driver crashed into a car they were travelling in on the A509.

Roberts Raiba was driving his Vauxhall Signum, which contained his wife Renate and two daughters Katrina and Karlina, aged five and eight at the time, when Andrew Nay, driving his company Land Rover, pulled across their path.

Dashcam footage from Mr Raiba’s car shows how he had no chance of avoiding the collision on October 3 last year that left his two daughters with life-changing injuries.

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Mr Raiba also suffered severe injuries, including a fractured shoulder blade and nerve damage to his hand. His wife suffered a broken arm as well as nerve damage.

The lives of Katrina and Karlina have been changed forever by the accident.The lives of Katrina and Karlina have been changed forever by the accident.
The lives of Katrina and Karlina have been changed forever by the accident.

Northampton Crown Court heard Nay had been chasing a Mazda car from the A14 roundabout because he believed it had cut him up.

Northampton Crown Court heard Andrew Nay pulled his Land Rover hard right straight into the path of a car containing a family of four because he was chasing another vehicle

A three-day Newton Hearing heard evidence from a number of fellow motorists, including the female driver of the Mazda who said Nay was aggressively tailgating and “bullying” her as he followed her vehicle along the A509.

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Matthew Rowcliffe, prosecuting, said the woman admitted putting her hand out the window and “sticking her middle finger up” at Nay as he was “less than a car length” away from her vehicle.

The court heard the woman overtook a Mercedes to put a car between the two vehicles but was not able to make much further progress up the road due to heavy traffic.

Fraser Hopes, the driver of the Mercedes, said Nay’s Land Rover then began to tailgate him and in his rear view mirror he could see two men “smiling” and “having a laugh” about something.

Roberts Raiba and his wife Renate say their lives have been “completely shattered” after the crash

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