Derbyshire family heartbroken after son is stillborn - WARNING - contains images some may find upsetting

A family who could not even get a birth certificate for their son when he died during labour at 21 weeks want the law changed to legally recognise their baby.

Pictured below is the family holding baby Leo which some readers may find distressing.

On Sunday, November 29, Lily Baron, 17, gave birth to Leo, who was sadly stillborn.

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However, because Lily was only 21 weeks into her pregnancy when Leo was born, he has not been acknowledged in the eyes of the law and has no birth certificate.

Ryan Wagstaff and Lily Barron with baby Leo who was stillbornRyan Wagstaff and Lily Barron with baby Leo who was stillborn
Ryan Wagstaff and Lily Barron with baby Leo who was stillborn

Lily said: “Half an hour before he was alive and kicking in my belly, he was real and he did exist.”

Her mum, Natalie, 39, said: “We were given a recognition certificate from the nurses but the fact they couldn’t register his birth is just another unnecessary blow.

“He was perfect; he had fingers and toes, he was a tiny little boy but it was obvious he was a baby.”